Tuesday, March 31, 2009

type ii - "kinetic typography"


The Office

Dane Cook

There Will Be Blood

Who's On First

type ii #11

Laws of simplicity...
reduce - be thoughtful about what you take away
organization - if done right a lot looks like a few
differences - simplicity needs complexity
emotion - the more the better
failure - if its just not meant to be simple then let it be complex
the one - take away the obvious and add the meaningful

I agreed with the laws. If I didn't agree with a certain law it was somehow addressed later as an exception. All of the laws up until the failure law only deal with simple but the failure law recognizes the fact that not everything can be simple. He definitely took the time to really think about all of the laws individually and as a group.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

type ii speech questions

who is speaking?
Malcolm X

why was this speech important?
It is talking about the relationship between white and black people and how they should be aware of each other and because of that awareness the success that can come from it.

why do i find it interesting?
not only do i think the content reflected an interesting opinion about civil rights i like the way he talks.

what is the emotion/mode/tone/feeling/personality of the speech?
It is passionate but very direct. It has a serious tone and has a conversation feeling. Like he's talking to someone not to an audience.

what is loud/stressed/soft/paused/emphasized?
The words "white people" and the vices that he lists. At the ending there is a lot of emphasis on the words being listed.

how does it make me feel and the audience feel?
Well at the beginning someone laughs but the people listening probably believed completely in what he was saying as if it were a sermon. I think what he was saying was a good solution to the problems that were happening. He was very well spoken and it is reflected in the speech.

bio of malcolm x...
African American civil rights leader Malcolm X was a major twentieth-century spokesman for black nationalism. Unlike many other African American leaders of this time, who supported nonviolent methods, Malcolm X believed in using more aggressive measures in the fight for civil rights.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

type ii #10

Good.is...i watched a bunch of videos but my favorite was the Happy Meal vid. It was funny because it played obviously on the McDonalds happy meal but it took a closer look at a moody cow name sonja...and her owner. How they treated telling it was GOOD was cool too and different from the rest of their videos.

Stop Stealing Sheep and find out how type works

1: Type is everywhere
Type is around us everywhere on signs, posters, walls, books. It is used to communicate different things and when you really look at it people rely on type to find their way around more than you may realize. Because type is such a large part of our lives it is important that it is designed properly.
2: What is type
Over the years the forms of type have changed but they always have a foundation that was created back when it was first invented. The way type is created has also changed over the years.
3: Looking at type
Typefaces have different appearances and styles to them for a reason and people understand which typeface works better with something.
4: Type with a purpose
Certain typefaces work better to get a message across than others. For example, business text should look serious and organized.
5: Type builds character
A designer should understand and know the little details about their project or text. By knowing their work thoroughly they will be able to choose the appropriate typeface.
6: Types of type
Being able to see the characteristics of a typeface and understand the distinctions from one to the other can make a designer's job easier when it comes to choosing one for their project.
7: How it works
Adjusting the leading and kerning of in a body of text can only do so much. Some typefaces are meant for smaller sections of text while others are meant for a longer body of text.
8: Putting it to work
Designing an effective layout can result in following the rules of placement. Placing text in an organized yet dynamic way can keep the viewer engaged in the work as well as get the message across.
9: There is no bad type
Type changes over time in order to stay "in" and not out-dated it relies on the trends in society. What is acceptable today may not have been 20 years ago but just because it is different, more expressive, or "ugly" to some does not mean it isn't effective.

type ii #9

Animated typography is...putting characters and letters in motion. Sound was a key tool in the success of the video examples. I felt the ones that had sound were definitely more effective. As long as the sound is relevant to the the words it overall improves the message.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

type ii #8

Steven Heller seems like some old man that can't open his mind up to the possibility of new design. The article Cult of the Ugly bashes young designers and the direction that they are taking the industry. The standard design practices are still out there, people are still following Paul Rand religiously but some want to stray. Heller thinks they are just playing around...and they are... and they can. They still students. And they know the rules well enough to break them. Steven Heller is old.

graphics - logo

the link for my school of design logo
