Monday, February 2, 2009

type ii #2

Bruce Mau is from Canada. He studied at the Ontario College of Art and Design. He is the founder of Institute Without Boundaries and the creative director of Bruce Mau Design. He didn't graduate from the Ontario school but left early to join the Fifty Fingers design group. He designed the Zone 1/2 and then started his own design studio and kept designing the Zone books. As of 2007, Mau was in residence at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, in the Architecture, Interior Architecture, and Design Objects Department.

Make mistakes faster.This isn’t my idea -- I borrowed it. I think it belongs to Andy Grove.
Once you make a mistake you know it is one and can try to improve on it, fix it or just give up on it. But you have to make the mistake to figure out what to do with the idea. If you don't try all those ideas that you think could be a mistake you'll never know and it could've turned out to be a success.

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