Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Fundamentals of Type Definitions...

Absolute Measurement- measurements of fixed values.

Relative Measurement- measurements that have no absolute size and are linked to type size.

Points- a unit of measurement for specifying type size where 72 points equal 1 inch.
Picas- a unit of measurement for specifying line lengths where 12 picas equal 1 point.

x-height- the height of a lowercase "x" of a given typeface.

Em- unit of measurement derived from the width of the square body of the cast upper case "M". equals the size of a given type.
En- unit of measurement equal to half of 1 em.
Hyphens- one third of an em rule used to link words.

Dashes- short horizontal rules that serve various specific functions such as ens and ems. ( Look up)

Alignments- refer to the position of type within a text block in both horizontal and vertical planes.
Justification- horizontal allows the appearance of rivers of white space to appear; vertical forces the lines to distribute throughout the text block.
Flush Left- text tight and aligned to the left margin and ending ragged on the right.
Flush Right- text tight and aligned to the right margin and ending ragged on the left.

Letterspacing- adds space between letterforms to open up text.

Kerning- the removal of unwanted space between letters.

Tracking- the adjustable amount of space between letters.

Word Spacing- adjusts the space between words.

Widow- a lone word at the end of a paragraph.

Orphan- final one or two lines of a paragraph separated from the main paragraph to form a new column.

Leading- the space between lines of type measured from baseline to baseline. It's expressed in points.

Indent- when text is moved in from the margins by a specified amount.
Fist Line Indent- text is indented form the left margin in the first line of the second and subsequent paragraphs.
Hanging Indent- indention from the left or right margin which affects several text lines expect the first line.

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