Tuesday, April 28, 2009

type ii #15

So this vid was very interesting i would say. the shock of how fast our world is moving is what i guess i can say took me off guard. we are traveling so fast through life and the technological advances that we have made. i wasn't really sure if it was recent but at the end when it mentioned 2008 i satisfied.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

my final vid

so here's the final of my visualized speech

type ii #14

The part about remix was really cool. I think it is very true that that is how we as "young" people think. we think to change and how we can make it our own. it also says something about how customization is such a big part of our culture today. everything has to be "ours," remixing is a very good example of how that need for customization is fulfilled.

Dancing Jesus...Yes.

Larry Lessig

Thursday, April 16, 2009

type ii - my vid so far

So here is my type video so far. I changed some things...its not done obviously.
Give me some feedback and please spell check for me...i've been looking at it too long to notice some errors...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

type ii #13

The letters created out of buildings was really cool. With a bit of cropping i guess anything can be made into typography. With buildings being so common i am surprised no one has noticed it before...maybe they were looking at the negative space but not necessarily what it could create.

My favorite use of type in these images and the others on the website is the "pull" door handle. i think it's a clever way of using type when it is a necessity.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

type ii #12

Debbie Millman is an internet talk show host who interviews lots of designers...usually famous ones...
Design Matters is the show in which her interviews take place.

I chose to listen to the Ed Fella interview...
i found it interesting that Fella doesn't use the computer to do his work. he uses drawing tools. it was odd that his only reason he vocalized as to why he doesn't use a computer is because he doesn't know how and it would take too long to learn. he feels he is paralleling work on the computer and he's been trained so he might as well use what he knows.

i didn't really like the show. it was boring. maybe i just didn't listen to the right interviews but Millman's voice annoys me a bit.

Design Matters with Debbie Millman